Sunday, September 30, 2012

POWBAB Superfruit Chew Review

POWBAB Superfruit Chew Review!!

powbab Superfruit Chews are amazing little dietary supplements made from the African fruit from the Baobab tree! You're supposed to take one chew per day, and it boosts your immunity, slows oxidative damage and reduces inflammation! powbab was generous enough to send me a few samples to try, and I'd like to tell you about my experience and about the chews!

Baobab has 2.5 times more antioxidants than pomegranates and has been eaten for thousands of years by Africans for nutrition.

I got the pomegranate/acai berry flavor, and I have to say: I totally wish you were supposed to have more than one per day!!! These tiny chews pack a flavorful punch. You just unwrap the little silver wrapper on the chew, and on the inside is a small square, beautiful pinkish red fruit chew that tastes sweet and tart, has the perfect consistency, and is over all too quick! I like to savor it, and chew it for a while so that I can get all the taste and (in my mind) release all the vitamins! I really love the flavor and the chewiness. 

powbab is gluten, dairy, soy, nut, and egg FREE. It doesn't have salt, synthetic flavors, or preservatives either! They are also vegan and use fair trade practices! "Organic Baobab fruit pulp is naturally 50% fiber- no synthetics added. Our mission is to make a supplement as natural as possible" How cool is that?!

A little note on the Baobab tree: "Baobab, an ancient superfruit, is known as "The Tree of Life" in Africa. Some Baobab trees are 1,000+ years old with historical nutritional & medicinal usages by Africans and Egyptians. Baobab fruit pulp is sustainably harvested, preserving Africa's trees and local rural villages. Baobab fruit pulp alone delivers more antioxidants than acai berries or 2.5x that of pomegranates, delivering immunity strength & slowing oxidative damage. One chew meets daily antioxidant needs, the equivalent antioxidant level of: 2 1/2 tomatoes, 2 1/2 cups of spinach, and half an orange! 

So if you're looking for an all natural alternative to pill-form vitamins and minerals, I would say go powbab! The health benefits, the taste, the convenience, and basically everything about this product makes it perfect for someone like me who hates taking pills and always forgets my vitamins. It would never be difficult for me to forget to eat a powbab chew!!!

If you'd like to learn more about powbab, view their website, or reach out to them, you can find them here:


Powbab Website

I hope you liked this review, let me know in the comments!!!

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